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04.12.2023 17:19 - Secrets of Physical Radiesthesia / The Roman Rod
Автор: golds Категория: История   
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First, carefully read and reread the book "Secrets of Physical Radiesthesia /The Roman Rod/."
Here is the link: https://geophysics.zonebg.com/romrod/romrod.htm
Also look this page:
The linked page contains sketch. This construction is the most convenient.

Examine carefully the sketch. The construction consists of PVC pipe - antenna, diameter 20 mm, into which a small pipe - filler diameter 15 mm is inserted. In the filler pipe, there is a small plastic (non-metallic) axis - separator, between the resonator and the exciter. This makes it easier to fix the resonator and exciter and achieve alignment between this internal axis and the rotation axis of the antenna (the axis of the "bracket with axis"). It is clearly explained on the website page.

Alignment is easily achieved by measuring the distance between the end of the filler and the plastic axis separator (bushing), as well as the distance between the end of the antenna and the rotation axis (bracket with axis). Both distances must be equal to achieve the necessary alignment. For this purpose, it may be necessary to adjust the position of the bracket with the axis on the antenna. In other words, you have a "pipe in a pipe" construction with two PVC pipes and two axes, which in the working position should be aligned!

In the filler tube, the resonator is inserted in front of the axis, and the exciter is placed behind the axis. The plastic axis in the filler can be replaced with a plastic bushing (another type of separator), but it is more difficult to manufacture. This axis must be non-metallic to avoid screening the exciter! In other words, the excitation will not be reduced. There should be no metal axis between the exciter and the resonator! Such an axis will screen the exciter and reduce the excitation. If the distance between the exciter and the resonator is large, e.g., 3-4 cm, the excitation also decreases.

You can excite with radioactive clay from relevant deposits, as well as clay from tailings of metal mining enterprises. In these cases, be careful not to radiation expose yourself! Good and safe excitation is provided by natural zircon (not artificial zirconium), but it should be at least 10 carats. The radioactive test plate from old military Geiger counters will also do the job. Be careful with detachment! In the worst case, you can start with bentonite. The excitation will be weaker, but you will still get a reaction.

Here are pictures of a finished Roman Rod. The antenna is from 2 parts for convenience. The handle closes with two plastic caps to protect the bearing from moisture when not in use. The filler has a separator bushing (instead of an axis). The exciter is placed in the back, and the resonator is placed in the front.




Carefully review and answer the questions at

Many enthusiasts quickly read the book and think they are ready to work with the Roman Rod. In addition to the constructive omissions (in manufacturing) that we have clarified with the answers to the "Frequently Asked Questions," people make serious mistakes when working with the unit.

Firstly, they skip or hastily go through the dry workouts. This leads to issues with the balance of the unit. With clumsy and uneven movements, you will have false reactions or a lack of reaction. In the best case, you may have a location, but it will have a significant deviation.

I"ve seen people who literally wave the locator like a sword, a sickle, a stick, etc. The positions of the hands and body during work are precisely explained in the book. (But only few read carefully.) This is a basic aspect to achieve the balance of the locator.

The researcher should stand straight with legs slightly apart for stability. The hand* to the elbow (if working with both hands - *hands) is tucked in close to the torso. The front part of the hand is at a right angle forward and balances the locator, so the antenna is aligned with the hand, also forward.

The smooth sweeping motion of the unit is transmitted not from the hand but from the person"s waist! The hand with the wrist only balances the locator and does not move in relation to the torso!

The rotation made from torso and waist, dont rotate the hand! If you move the hand together with the locator, you will not achieve good balance. Without a well-balanced locator, you will have false reactions, miss objects, etc.

The figure shows the correct and incorrect hand positions.


The next figure illustrates the correct and incorrect movement of the torso and the hand.

Once again, we emphasize, read and reread the book and materials on the website carefully. Every line and every word in them are crucial for your successful work with the Roman Rod.

In short, for a number of important things that some people consider unimportant...
Despite being stated on the website, many people overlook the requirement for the bearing to have a double metal casing. Bearings with plastic or composite casings are not suitable. Such a casing tightly presses against the inner diameter and restricts the movement of the bearing. Maximum freedom of movement is necessary to achieve maximum sensitivity. With these bearings, you may perform dry trainings, but they are not suitable for research work. With these bearings, you will only be able to locate strong signals.
Many people have difficulty finding a plastic tube with a diameter of 15 mm for the filler. If you can"t find such a plastic tube, you can use a fiberglass, nylon, or hose. They must be free of metal threads! It"s important that the filler contain the exciter and the resonator, while it enters the antenna. The dimensions of the exciter RRGLE are 75x13 mm. These are also the dimensions of the resonator cylinders. If you use a plastic tube with a diameter of 20 mm for the antenna (as shown in the sketch), even a 16 mm tube will be suitable for the filler.
All elements on the antenna and the filler, such as caps, seals, sleeves, pads, fasteners, etc., should be plastic, fiberglass, rubber, or nylon. The only metal parts in the device are the bracket, bolt, axis, and bearing, also the resonators are made of the desired metal (high purity).
If the bracket is larger than the tube (antenna) and hangs down (not at a 90-degree angle) relative to the axis of rotation, you need to wind a plastic, nylon, or rubber strip around the tube so that the bracket tightens securely and there is no sagging of the antenna.
It is important for the resonators to have a purity of over 900. If you use low-carat gold for the resonator, the alloy will contain impurities of copper, silver, or other metals. Consequently, you risk having a double or triple reaction, from gold and the impurities (silver, copper, etc.). If you use native or jewelry gold, make sure it is at least 20 carats pure.
Even if you load a golden chain into the filler, the device will work well, as long as it weighs at least 10 grams and is at least 20 karats.
Many people see that the device works even if the full moon hours and time windows are not observed. We remind you that there are hours of the day when the reaction is very weak (or even absent), and you will miss small objects, while others will have a large deviation.
Many people underestimate the balance of the device. Balance is extremely important for your successful work. If it"s difficult for you with one hand, make a longer handle and work with two hands. Excessively slow movement of the antenna leads to trembling and weak reaction. Excessively fast movement leads to skipping objects and larger deviations.


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Автор: golds
Категория: История
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